Halloween is one holiday that folks around here get into, and from what I understand, not just in the quiet little village of Southfield. Great Barrington is supposedly a mob scene of trick or treaters. Each town sets the times trick or treaters can actually trick or treat. I didn't find out until after the fact that trick or treating was supposed to happen only between 5 and 7 pm. We, and all our neighbors, kept our lights on past 7 and we had visitors up till 8.
It was a gorgeous night for trick or treating. Below is the sunset seen from our front porch. The horizon you see through the trees is the mountain ridge in the distance. Fall and winter are the only time we have a mountain view. Gorgeous, isn't it?

As mentioned in the previous post, Mickey had stayed home from school sick with some sort of stomach bug - still has it, dang it - and when I got home from work around 5:15, Mick was sound asleep. We were afraid that if we didn't wake him up, but let him sleep through trick or treating time, there would be tears and gnashing of teeth to have to deal with. So, we woke him, and although he had planned for some time to wear his Prince Caspian costume, he decided last minute to go, once again, for the third year in a row, as Tigger. The costume didn't really fit him, but who was going to argue. He really did not feel well, and wanted Tom to carry him, but given the fact that he weighs 55 lbs and comes up to my chin, carrying him just wasn't going to happen. Tom decided he would pull him in our garden wagon, so Tom dressed appropriately as Tigger's chauffer. Staying behind in our haunted house to greet the trick or treaters, I crammed myself into my Victorian waistcoat and vest and painted myself up like a lunatic.

I had "Night on Bald Mountain" blasting out the upstairs windows. While I had placed spooky eyes in the window, Tom and Mickey decked the front porch and wicker chairs in spider webs. Our crazy old house carry's off creepy and haunted very well. Tom and Mickey joined up with a band of trick or treaters from Mickey's school and they all went house to house in our little village. I had fun scaring the little and not so little children.
Below are some close-ups of our windows.

It was a gorgeous night for trick or treating. Below is the sunset seen from our front porch. The horizon you see through the trees is the mountain ridge in the distance. Fall and winter are the only time we have a mountain view. Gorgeous, isn't it?

As mentioned in the previous post, Mickey had stayed home from school sick with some sort of stomach bug - still has it, dang it - and when I got home from work around 5:15, Mick was sound asleep. We were afraid that if we didn't wake him up, but let him sleep through trick or treating time, there would be tears and gnashing of teeth to have to deal with. So, we woke him, and although he had planned for some time to wear his Prince Caspian costume, he decided last minute to go, once again, for the third year in a row, as Tigger. The costume didn't really fit him, but who was going to argue. He really did not feel well, and wanted Tom to carry him, but given the fact that he weighs 55 lbs and comes up to my chin, carrying him just wasn't going to happen. Tom decided he would pull him in our garden wagon, so Tom dressed appropriately as Tigger's chauffer. Staying behind in our haunted house to greet the trick or treaters, I crammed myself into my Victorian waistcoat and vest and painted myself up like a lunatic.

I had "Night on Bald Mountain" blasting out the upstairs windows. While I had placed spooky eyes in the window, Tom and Mickey decked the front porch and wicker chairs in spider webs. Our crazy old house carry's off creepy and haunted very well. Tom and Mickey joined up with a band of trick or treaters from Mickey's school and they all went house to house in our little village. I had fun scaring the little and not so little children.
Below are some close-ups of our windows.