Winter Freakin' Wonderland

About a week and a half or so ago, it snowed . . .

And then we had a few days in the 40s, and I think one in the 50s, and we had some periods of rain and most of the above snow got washed away. All the snow covering the north yard was gone, and all that remained were naked piles of dirt and stone. Finally, my excavator would be able to see what he was doing and get all the dirt spread out and readied for seed come whatever month you can scatter grass seed here in the mountains. Alas, such was not to be. Another storm came in last night and dumped vast amounts of snow on the area. This morning I received the picture below from Janice Boults, one of the former owners of the house. She lives down the road a piece and it looks like she got 8 inches on top of her well.

I didn't trek out with a measuring tape, but it looks like we got at least that in our yard. Does anyone still wear a hat? Yes, Miss Stritch, our barbecue does.

And although I am over all the fluffy stuff for this year, Misty still gets frisky when given the opportunity to do a bit of frolicking .

But then the wind kicks up . . .

. . . and she turns her thoughts toward heading back to the front porch.